Mansfield: 01623 706020
Nottingham: 0115 7043388
Chesterfield: 01246 386322

Preparing for the Mediation sessions

Family mediation is a beneficial way for separated families to explore options and discuss arrangements for the future. If you have decided to proceed with Mediation, the process can initially seem daunting, and you may feel unsure on how to prepare for your sessions. We have prepared a list of things you may wish to consider before your Mediation sessions begin.


  • Read through and understand your agreement to mediate:

Your mediation process cannot begin with this agreement being approved by all parties. It sets out not only the ground rules and what to expect from your sessions, but also demonstrates all parties’ commitment to the process.


  • Set up your equipment if sessions are remote:

If your sessions are remote, you may wish to have your equipment set up in good time to ensure you are prepared for your meetings. You can test your video and audio settings before your meeting so you feel comfortable with how everything works.


  • Set up somewhere that enables confidential discussions to occur:

Your mediator will not progress your session if there are concerns over privacy or confidentiality.  Please do not expect a session to take place if: there are third parties present, you can be overheard, there are people interrupting your private space, you are driving (it is not safe) or, you are in the street, a restaurant etc.

All of these examples have arisen in practise. If your Mediator asks questions to ensure an appropriate environment exists for the session, please do not be affronted.  They are trying to ensure your process has the best chance of success and the ground rules are applied equally.


  • Gather anything you may need during your session:

It is useful to have a paper and pen ready, drink, calculator, tissues any copy of financial disclosure or other documents you might need to refer to.


  • Ensure you are comfortable and property attired:

There is no need to wear your Sunday best, however everyone in attendance on a meeting should be appropriately dressed. Lying on a sofa or sitting in a hot tub are unlikely to help any participant focus on the important issues!

  • Update your Mediator:

If things occur between sessions. Let your Mediator know as the Mediation session starts.

Remember decisions can be taken on whether meetings are face to face or on a shuttle basis at the beginning and throughout the session.

How we can help

Our specially trained team of Family Mediators are able to provide impartial support during what may be a difficult and distressing time.

The level of help you would like from us is entirely up to you. Our team members all have experience of helping people at difficult times in their lives and we are committed to delivering to you a professional and confidential service.


Our specially trained mediators are able to provide impartial support across the country, using remote platforms.

In addition we have a network of offices based in: Chesterfield, Nottingham, Mansfield and Derby.

How to make contact


Our team are on hand to help you and can assist wherever you are based. Please call us for a no-obligation, initial discussion or email and we will call or email you back.


  • Chesterfield: 01246 386322
  • Derby: 01332 973800
  • Mansfield: 01623 706020
  • Nottingham: 0115 8384777

Going to mediation really helped my situation and sorted things out, I believe in a much quicker and easier way. The mediators I dealt with were very helpful in the sense of giving us all the information and making sure we understood clearly before making any decisions by ourselves
