Mansfield: 01623 706020
Nottingham: 0115 7043388
Chesterfield: 01246 386322


Safeguarding Our Mental Health During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Safeguarding our mental health and well-being and that of our children, at a time when our day to day living is changing, is vitally important. The Government has issued ‘Guidance for parents and carers on supporting carers on supporting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak’ The Government’s guide

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What is a MIAM?

What is a MIAM? The first meeting with a mediator is often called a Mediation Information & Assessment Meeting (MIAM). Whether it’s called a MIAM or a first meeting, it will cover the same things. The first meeting with a mediator gives you the chance to find out how mediation works. Mediators are trained to work out

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The Benefits of Commercial Mediation

Commercial Mediation has been steadily gaining credibility, largely because of its track record on getting results. According to the eight biennial audit undertaken by The Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR), 74% of mediated disputes reach a settlement on the day of mediation with a further 15% reaching a settlement shortly after mediation. These statistics

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Child Arrangement During the Coronavirus Crisis

Following the Government’s most recent advice on COVID 19, there has been a lot of different information circulating in relation to the care of children whose family are separated. The latest guidance provided by the Government which specifies that “When parents do not live in the same household, children under 18 can be moved between

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Co-parenting Through the Coronavirus Pandemic

The arrangements for the care of children with separated families are often difficult to establish. Within the current COVID 19 climate, the Government has provided clear guidelines as to who is to go outside and who is not. The latest guidance provided by the Government which specifies that “When parents do not live in the

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Midlands Dove Mediation: Coronavirus Update

We would like to take this opportunity to update you on how Midlands Dove Mediation are responding to developments regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19). At this stage, we continue to follow and implement the latest Government Guidance from Public Health England and are taking steps to keep all staff and the general public safe and well during

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Mother’s Day with Midlands Dove Mediation

Mother’s Day is fast approaching (22nd March 2020). It is intended to be a day to celebrate relationships with mothers and maternal figures. Whilst Mother’s Day is often regarded as being over commercialised, it can be a very difficult day for many people.  This may be due to a relative no longer being around following

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Midlands Dove Mediation: Safeguarding Against Coronavirus

We would like to take this opportunity to update you on how Midlands Dove Mediation are responding to developments regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19). At this stage, we continue to follow and implement the latest Government Guidance from Public Health England and are taking steps to keep all staff and the general public safe and well during

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What is Child Inclusive Mediation?

Child Inclusive Mediation (CIM), used to be known as Direct Child Consultation (DCC) and is often referred to as “the Voice of the Child”. When is Child Inclusive Mediation Suitable? Requests and enquiries into Child Inclusive Mediation (CIM) are on the increase and we have been increasingly contacted by families, who struggling to find ways

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How to Build a Healthy Relationship with your Ex’s New Partner

Divorce ends marriages. It does not necessarily end relationships, especially not when there are children involved. In fact, it can lead to new relationships and not necessarily ones that you’ll like, at least not at first. The fundamental purpose of divorce is to allow individuals to move on with their lives and in many cases,

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“Thanks so much for my appointment today. You really put me at ease. I wasn’t really sure what to expect with the Skype call. It was so easy to set up and so quick.Thank you again for all your support”
