Mansfield: 01623 706020
Nottingham: 0115 7043388
Chesterfield: 01246 386322

Mediation for Workplace Conflict

When difficulties have arisen in the workplace, it can become a distressing time for all concerned. Our Workplace Mediation service is specifically designed to help when difficulties have become present within a working environment.

Our team understand that it is important for employers, HR Managers and employees to have a constructive environment to address difficult situations effectively, with clarity and sensitivity when they arise.

Throughout a Mediation process, we ensure informed impartial support from our trained Mediators is provided to participants to help resolve workplace disputes and manage HR responsibilities


Free initial telephone information

Our specialised team of mediators are here to provide the information you need. We provide a FREE initial telephone ‘options appointment’ to see how we can assist in your circumstances, regardless of where you are based. Please call your preferred office below for a no obligation, initial discussion or email and we will call you back, free of charge.
Chesterfield: 01246 386322
Derby: 01332 973800
Mansfield: 01623 706020
Nottingham: 0115 8384777


What is Mediation for Workplace Conflict?

Our mediators understand that it is important that when conflicts arise in the workplace that the parties concerned have the right environment to address the situation, at ease and without pressure.
Workplace Mediation is a private and confidential process where various parties are able to communicate in a trustworthy environment, with the impartial guidance of a trained mediator.
The Workplace Mediation process is voluntary, however, it does require both parties to agree to engage in mediation, in order to openly address and resolve any issues that have arisen in their workplace. Our Mediators are experienced in managing the process and support working towards an amicable agreement.


Who is able to request Workplace Mediation?

Workplace Mediation can be requested by any Employee, Manager, Employer, or it can be suggested by either HR in house or an external professional. The process is entirely voluntary, but both parties must accept in order for Mediation sessions to begin.
If you require Workplace Mediation, it is important that you contact a trained Mediator who will be able to discuss the process with you.


When is Mediation for Workplace Conflict appropriate?

When considering the appropriateness of Mediation for workplace conflict, there is no definitive answer, as this will depend on several aspects. Mediation for workplace conflict has proved to be successful and helpful in cases where there is a dispute between employees who are both willing to resolve their issues.

Additionally, this kind of mediation can be applicable to early stages of employee grievances or potential disciplinaries. The aim of workplace Mediation is to facilitate clear communication in a less formal environment, without the need of having to consider more formal proceedings.

If you are unsure as to whether workplace Mediation would be appropriate for your circumstances, it is important to contact a trained Mediator. A trained Mediator will be able to discuss the process with you and suggest the best avenue for you to take.


What are the benefits of Workplace Mediation?

The purpose of Workplace Mediation is to facilitate clear communication between the parties involved. This process enables individuals to discuss and express any concerns they may have, within a safe and non-judgemental environment.
Our Mediators are there to manage the process and help the parties reach a conclusion which is suitable for all involved.


What to expect from Workplace Mediation

During workplace Mediation, there is an opportunity for individuals to speak with the Mediator separately in order to raise any issues or discuss any concerns. The purpose of this is to help people get a better perspective of a situation, feel safe and in the knowledge that everything they say is strictly confidential.

Workplace Mediation is a structured process which provides an opportunity for each party to voice their concerns and feel listened to. It also allows for you to listen to and understand the person you may be having difficulty with. After speaking openly with a Mediator and with the other party, you will work towards ways of resolving the concerns you may have, and plan for the future.


How we can help

Our experienced team of Mediators are able to provide impartial support during what may be a difficult and distressing time.
The level of help you would like from us is entirely up to you. Our team members all have experience of helping people at difficult times in their lives and we are committed to delivering to you a professional and confidential service.



Our specially trained Mediators are able to provide impartial support across the country, using remote platforms.
In addition, we have a network of offices based in: Chesterfield, Nottingham, Mansfield and Derby.


How to make contact

Our team are on hand to help you and can assist wherever you are based. Please call us for a FREE no-obligation, initial discussion or email and we will call or email you back.
Chesterfield: 01246 386322
Derby: 01332 973800
Mansfield: 01623 706020
Nottingham: 0115 8384777


Elizabeth offered a number of times to go over things to make sure I understood. Elizabeth provided me with relevant information that I had not been aware of before
