Mansfield: 01623 706020
Nottingham: 0115 7043388
Chesterfield: 01246 386322

No Fault Divorce – Achieving a “Good Divorce” Through Mediation

Married couples seeking a divorce or dissolution to a civil partnership now have more choice for the first time in over 50years.

Families now have better chances of separating on good terms, in a defined timescale, with lower costs to everyone concerned, without causing untold hurt and distress to themselves or their children.

The arrival of no fault divorce

The introduction of the no-fault divorce law has been long awaited by many solicitors across the country and will subsequently result in many changes to the divorce process. Let us outline some of the benefits of no-fault divorce:

  • No-fault divorce allows a divorce application to proceed without the necessity to place blame on the other party.
  • It is possible to give notice of intended divorce or the end of your civil partnership either as an individual, or as a couple.
  • The process of divorce now takes about 20 weeks, although financial arrangements can take longer.
  • No fault divorce offers separating parties the chance to reduce conflict and uncertainty, and decrease the likely cost of reaching a settlement by avoiding lengthy and costly Court proceedings.

Family Mediation Services

  • Separating families can access experienced and specialist family mediators to address areas of potential dispute.
  • Services are more accessible than ever with the offering of online appointments,
  • Family Mediators are able to offer Publicly Funded individual MIAMS or assessment meetings (subject to eligibility), to ensure individuals understand the options and funding available to them.
  • The Ministry of Justice Family Voucher Scheme has been a huge success and offers a contribution towards mediation fees of £500 per case to help parents assess family’s needs and arrangements.
  • Family Mediation can help reduce much of the cost, uncertainty and delay in resolving difficulties.

How can mediators support you?

Mediators can both provide information on service, and impartially support you in coming to an agreement on a range of issues, including:

  • How the ending of your relationship is to be formalised.
  • Looking at joint financial resources and the needs of both households after separation or final order.
  • Planning steps in advance and documenting proposals for settlement which makes decisions clear.
  • Exploring the impact of proposals to see if they will work in practise.
  • Explain the way in which the court are likely to approach the matter.
  • Reviewing the needs of children and make arrangements on how their children are to be co-parented.
  • Offer Child Inclusive Mediation (CIM).
  • Provide information and guidance on pension options.
  • Accessing information on benefits parents may not be aware they can claim.
  • Provide Awareness of how and when to access legal services, receive support, advice and representation.
  • Accessing public funding whether by publicly funded Mediation services as ours provides and the MOJ Voucher Scheme.

If you are in the process of separating or have separated and things are not going as smoothly as anticipated:

  • Consider booking your own individual MIAM with and FMC Accredited Mediator.
  • Review your aims and next steps.
  • Consider what other services you might need following your MIAM.

How we can help

Our specially trained team of Family Mediators are able to provide impartial support during what may be a difficult and distressing time.

The level of help you would like from us is entirely up to you. Our team members all have experience of helping people at difficult times in their lives and we are committed to delivering to you a professional and confidential service.


Our specially trained mediators are able to provide impartial support across the country, using remote platforms.
In addition we have a network of offices based in: Chesterfield, Nottingham, Mansfield and Derby.

How to make contact

Our team are on hand to help you and can assist wherever you are based. Please email for further information, or complete a referral form.

Using mediation was very useful for my circumstances and was dealt with, very good indeed and things always explained clearly
